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SpaceX Starship prototype Lands Successfully then Explodes



SpaceX’s much anticipated Mars landing is closer than ever, after a prototype passed a high-altitude test by landing successfully on earth and exploding eight minutes later. The prototype went into the skies and landed with precision before the explosion.

Starship model SN10 was much close to the goal of a successful and safe vertical landing than versions SN8 and SN9 that came before it.

December 2020 saw SN8 perform its first high-altitude test flight which culminated in it demonstrating re-entry maneuvers before exploding during landing.

Last month, the SN9 completed a 10km flight before it landed in an explosion when one Raptor engine did not ignite.

SN10’s automated fire-suppression system came into play upon landing. The system involves a stream of water trained on the flames burning at the base. The Starship still exploded, after it had launched into the air and back into the ground. SN10 is a full prototype of the final design of the Starship.

SpaceX founder Elon Musk did not immediately comment on what went wrong, but he did tweet about the incident. “Starship 10 landed in one piece! RIP SN10, honorable discharge.”

“SpaceX team is doing great work! One day, the true measure of success will be that Starship flights are commonplace,” he added.

The Starship rocket will be a reusable launch vehicle that Musk hopes will make it affordable for humans to travel in space regularly. It will be 120cm tall and has a heavy booster.

The first round Starship flight will hopefully take place at the end of 2021. Musk hopes that he will take Yusaku Maezawa a Japanese billionaire on a trip around the moon aboard the starship by 2023.

In June 2020, Nasa astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken flew on the SpaceX to the International Space Station. It was the first time for the SpaceX rocket to take human beings to space. Elon Musk hopes that it will be only the first of many such trips.


James Webb Space Telescope Unveils Breathtaking 3D View of Iconic ‘Pillars of Creation’




In a groundbreaking achievement for space exploration and astrophysics, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has captured a stunning new perspective of one of the most iconic celestial formations in our galaxy. The “Pillars of Creation,” a star-forming region within the Eagle Nebula, has been transformed into a mesmerizing 3D visualization, offering unprecedented insights into the intricate structures and processes that shape our universe.

The James Webb Space Telescope, NASA’s most advanced space observatory to date, has once again demonstrated its unparalleled capabilities by providing astronomers with a multi-wavelength view of the Pillars of Creation. This latest image, processed by a team of skilled scientists and visual artists, combines data from Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) and Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) to create a comprehensive and visually striking representation of the cosmic landscape.

The Pillars of Creation, first captured by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1995, have captivated both scientists and the public for decades. Located approximately 6,500 light-years away in the constellation Serpens, these towering columns of gas and dust serve as celestial nurseries, birthing new stars within their dense, turbulent environment. The Eagle Nebula, which houses the Pillars, is a vast star-forming region that continues to yield new discoveries and insights into the processes of stellar evolution.

Webb’s latest observation of the Pillars of Creation showcases the telescope’s ability to peer through cosmic dust and reveal hidden structures. The 3D visualization, created by combining multiple wavelengths of light, offers a unique perspective on the depth and complexity of these cosmic formations. “This new view allows us to appreciate the three-dimensional nature of the Pillars in a way we’ve never seen before,” explains Dr. Jane Rigby, Webb Operations Project Scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. “It’s like stepping into the nebula itself.”

The image reveals intricate details of the Pillars’ structure, including wispy tendrils of gas and dust that extend outward from the main columns. These features, barely visible in previous observations, provide crucial information about the ongoing processes of star formation and the dynamic interactions within the nebula. The European Space Agency, a partner in the Webb mission, notes that these observations will help astronomers better understand the mechanisms driving star formation and the evolution of galaxies.

One of the most striking aspects of the new visualization is the clear delineation between the cooler, denser regions of the Pillars and the surrounding, more diffuse gas. The NIRCam data highlights the younger, hotter stars forming within the columns, while the MIRI data reveals the cooler dust and gas that make up the bulk of the Pillars’ mass. This multi-wavelength approach provides a more complete picture of the complex interplay between different elements within the star-forming region.

The 3D rendering also emphasizes the sculpting effect of intense ultraviolet radiation and stellar winds from nearby massive stars. These forces gradually erode the Pillars, shaping them into their distinctive forms and triggering the collapse of denser pockets of gas and dust, which can lead to the formation of new stars. The American Astronomical Society suggests that studying these processes in such detail could provide valuable insights into the life cycles of stars and the evolution of galaxies.

Astronomers are particularly excited about the potential for Webb’s observations to reveal previously unseen protostars and young stellar objects within the Pillars. “With Webb’s sensitivity and resolution, we can identify and study the very earliest stages of star formation in unprecedented detail,” says Dr. Megan Reiter, an astronomer at Rice University specializing in star formation. “This could help us answer fundamental questions about how stars are born and how they influence their environments.”

The new visualization also serves as a powerful tool for public engagement in science. The International Astronomical Union emphasizes the importance of such visually striking images in inspiring the next generation of scientists and fostering public support for space exploration. The 3D rendering of the Pillars of Creation offers a tangible connection to the vast and often abstract concepts of astrophysics, making the wonders of the universe more accessible to a broader audience.

As Webb continues its mission, astronomers anticipate many more groundbreaking observations that will reshape our understanding of the cosmos. The telescope’s ability to observe in infrared light allows it to peer through cosmic dust and see farther back in time than any previous observatory. This capability is expected to yield insights into the formation of the first galaxies, the atmospheres of exoplanets, and the mysterious dark matter and dark energy that dominate the universe.

The James Webb Space Telescope’s latest achievement with the Pillars of Creation serves as a testament to human ingenuity and our unending quest to understand the universe. As we continue to explore the cosmos with increasingly sophisticated tools, each new discovery brings us closer to unraveling the mysteries of our cosmic origins and our place in the vast expanse of space.

This remarkable 3D visualization of the Pillars of Creation not only showcases the technological prowess of the Webb telescope but also reminds us of the awe-inspiring beauty and complexity of the universe we inhabit. As we gaze upon these cosmic pillars, we are reminded of our own place in this grand cosmic tapestry and the endless frontiers that await our exploration.

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Japan’s LignoSat: A Groundbreaking Leap Towards Sustainable Space Technology




In a pioneering move that signifies a remarkable leap towards sustainable space technology, Japanese researchers have successfully created the world’s first wooden satellite, LignoSat. This innovative project, a collaboration between Kyoto University and Sumitomo Forestry, aims to reduce space debris and promote the use of environmentally friendly materials in the space industry. The launch of LignoSat marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of space technology, reflecting a growing emphasis on sustainability and environmental responsibility.

The Genesis of LignoSat

The LignoSat project emerged from a unique collaboration between academia and industry, blending the scientific expertise of Kyoto University with the engineering prowess of Sumitomo Forestry. The initiative aims to address the pressing issue of space debris, which has become a significant concern for space agencies and researchers worldwide. According to the European Space Agency (ESA), there are over 34,000 objects larger than 10 centimeters orbiting Earth, posing a collision risk to satellites and other spacecraft.

The idea of using wood for spacecraft construction is not only innovative but also rooted in practicality. Wood is abundant, lightweight, and has a low coefficient of thermal expansion, making it an ideal material for space applications. Moreover, it burns up completely upon re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere, leaving no debris behind. The development of LignoSat is a testament to the potential of interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing global challenges.

Engineering the Wooden Satellite

The engineering process behind LignoSat was meticulous and groundbreaking. Researchers selected a specific type of wood known for its durability and resistance to the harsh conditions of space. They treated the wood to withstand extreme temperatures, radiation, and vacuum conditions encountered in space. According to Dr. Takao Doi, a former astronaut and professor at Kyoto University, the wooden satellite underwent rigorous testing to ensure its viability for space missions.

One of the critical challenges was ensuring that the wood could protect the satellite’s internal components from space radiation. Researchers addressed this by applying a special coating to the wood, enhancing its resistance to radiation and preventing degradation. The successful creation of LignoSat demonstrates the potential for using natural materials in advanced technological applications, paving the way for more sustainable innovations in the future.

Launch and Deployment

The LignoSat is set to be launched aboard a Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) rocket, marking its journey into space. The satellite will be deployed into low Earth orbit (LEO), where it will conduct a series of experiments to test its performance and durability in the space environment. This mission will provide valuable data on the behavior of wooden materials in space, offering insights that could influence the design of future satellites.

The launch of LignoSat is a significant milestone not only for Japan but for the global space community. It highlights the importance of sustainable practices in space exploration and sets a precedent for future missions. As space agencies worldwide grapple with the growing problem of space debris, the successful deployment of a wooden satellite could inspire new approaches to satellite design and construction.

Implications for Space Sustainability

The introduction of LignoSat has far-reaching implications for space sustainability. Space debris, often referred to as “space junk,” poses a severe threat to active satellites and space missions. The debris can cause collisions, leading to the creation of more debris in a cascading effect known as the Kessler Syndrome. Traditional satellites made of metal and other materials contribute to this problem, as they do not burn up completely upon re-entry.

Wooden satellites like LignoSat offer a viable solution to this issue. As they burn up entirely during re-entry, they leave no residual debris, significantly reducing the risk of collisions. This approach aligns with the growing emphasis on sustainability and responsible stewardship of the space environment. The success of LignoSat could pave the way for the development of more eco-friendly satellite technologies, promoting a more sustainable approach to space exploration.

The Future of Sustainable Space Technology

The successful creation and deployment of LignoSat underscore the potential for innovation in the field of sustainable space technology. This project opens up new possibilities for the use of natural and biodegradable materials in space applications. It also highlights the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing complex global challenges.

Moving forward, the space industry is likely to see an increased focus on sustainability, with more projects aimed at reducing the environmental impact of space missions. For instance, the European Space Agency (ESA) is actively exploring methods to mitigate space debris and promote sustainable practices in space exploration. Similarly, NASA has implemented guidelines to minimize the creation of space debris during missions.

The development of LignoSat is a significant step towards achieving these goals. It serves as a reminder that innovation and sustainability can go hand in hand, offering solutions that benefit both the space industry and the environment. As we continue to explore the cosmos, initiatives like LignoSat will play a crucial role in ensuring that our activities in space are conducted responsibly and sustainably.


The launch of LignoSat represents a groundbreaking achievement in the field of sustainable space technology. This innovative project demonstrates the potential for using natural materials in advanced technological applications and highlights the importance of sustainability in space exploration. As the global space community grapples with the growing issue of space debris, LignoSat offers a promising solution that could inspire new approaches to satellite design and construction.

The successful creation and deployment of LignoSat are a testament to the power of interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation. By combining the expertise of academia and industry, researchers have developed a pioneering technology that addresses a critical global challenge. As we look to the future, initiatives like LignoSat will play a vital role in promoting sustainability and responsible stewardship of the space environment. The journey of LignoSat is just beginning, and its impact on the field of space technology will undoubtedly be profound.

For more information on the LignoSat project, visit the Kyoto University and Sumitomo Forestry websites. Further insights into space sustainability efforts can be found on the European Space Agency and NASA portals.

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The Future of Space Defense: Why the U.S. is Considering Foreign Space Technology




In a strategic pivot aimed at bolstering its technological edge in the increasingly competitive arena of space, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and Space Force are contemplating the acquisition of foreign space technology. This move marks a significant shift in policy and reflects the urgent need to stay ahead in the space race, particularly against formidable rivals like China and Russia.

According to a recent report by SpaceNews, this strategy underscores the United States’ commitment to leveraging international partnerships and innovations to enhance its space capabilities. As space becomes a critical frontier for national security, understanding the motivations and implications of this approach is crucial.

The Strategic Imperative

The primary driver behind the DoD and Space Force’s consideration of foreign space technology is the rapid advancement of space capabilities by other nations. China, in particular, has made significant strides in space technology, from launching satellites and space stations to developing anti-satellite weapons. The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission has highlighted China’s ambitions to become a dominant space power, posing a direct challenge to U.S. supremacy in space.

Given the high stakes, the U.S. cannot afford to fall behind. By integrating foreign technologies, the Space Force aims to enhance its operational readiness and resilience. This strategy is not without precedent; the DoD has historically collaborated with international allies on various defense projects. However, the focus on space technology marks a new and critical domain of this collaboration.

Leveraging European Expertise

Europe is a key partner in this initiative. The European Space Agency (ESA) and private aerospace companies across the continent have developed cutting-edge technologies that could significantly benefit U.S. space missions. For example, Airbus Defence and Space, a major player in the global aerospace industry, has pioneered innovations in satellite communications, Earth observation, and space exploration.

By tapping into European expertise, the U.S. can accelerate the deployment of advanced space systems. Collaborative efforts could include joint satellite missions, technology transfer agreements, and coordinated research and development (R&D) projects. This approach not only enhances technological capabilities but also strengthens transatlantic ties in the face of global challenges.

Enhancing Resilience and Reducing Costs

One of the key advantages of incorporating foreign space technology is the potential to enhance the resilience of U.S. space assets. The National Defense Authorization Act emphasizes the need for a diversified and resilient space architecture to withstand adversarial threats and natural disruptions. By sourcing technology from multiple international partners, the U.S. can mitigate the risks associated with supply chain vulnerabilities and technological bottlenecks.

Furthermore, this strategy can lead to significant cost savings. Developing space technology in-house is an expensive and time-consuming process. By leveraging existing foreign technologies, the DoD and Space Force can reduce R&D costs and accelerate deployment timelines. This is particularly important given the budget constraints and the need to allocate resources efficiently across various defense priorities.

Addressing Security Concerns

While the benefits of acquiring foreign space technology are clear, there are also valid security concerns that need to be addressed. The integration of foreign technology into critical space systems raises questions about cybersecurity, supply chain integrity, and the potential for espionage. To mitigate these risks, the DoD and Space Force will need to implement stringent vetting processes and robust cybersecurity measures.

According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), adopting a comprehensive cybersecurity framework is essential to protect critical infrastructure. This includes continuous monitoring, threat detection, and incident response capabilities. By ensuring that foreign technologies meet rigorous security standards, the U.S. can safeguard its space assets while benefiting from international innovations.

Strengthening International Collaboration

The move to acquire foreign space technology also underscores the importance of international collaboration in addressing global security challenges. Space is a domain that transcends national borders, and effective cooperation is essential to address shared threats and opportunities. The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) plays a pivotal role in promoting international cooperation and ensuring the peaceful use of outer space.

By working with international partners, the U.S. can foster a collaborative environment that enhances collective security. Joint initiatives, such as the Combined Space Operations Center (CSpOC), exemplify the benefits of multinational cooperation in space operations. These efforts enhance situational awareness, improve coordination, and enable rapid response to emerging threats.

The Path Forward

As the DoD and Space Force move forward with plans to incorporate foreign space technology, several key steps will be critical to success. First, identifying and prioritizing the technologies that offer the greatest strategic value will be essential. This will require close collaboration with international partners and a thorough assessment of technological capabilities.

Second, establishing robust security protocols to protect against potential risks will be paramount. This includes not only cybersecurity measures but also ensuring that foreign technologies are free from vulnerabilities that could be exploited by adversaries.

Finally, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration within the Space Force and the broader defense community will be essential. By embracing a forward-looking approach and leveraging the best technologies available, the U.S. can maintain its leadership in space and ensure its national security in the face of evolving challenges.


The decision to consider foreign space technology represents a bold and strategic move by the U.S. Department of Defense and Space Force. In an era where space is becoming increasingly contested and critical to national security, leveraging international partnerships and innovations is not just advantageous but necessary. By integrating foreign technologies, the U.S. can enhance its space capabilities, improve resilience, and maintain its competitive edge in the global space race.

As this strategy unfolds, it will be crucial to balance the benefits of foreign technology with the need for rigorous security measures. Through careful planning and robust collaboration, the U.S. can navigate the complexities of this approach and secure its place as a leader in the next frontier of defense.

For more detailed insights and developments on this topic, you can read the full SpaceNews article.

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