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What Middle-Aged Women Can Add to Gaming



Housemarque has a new video game that struck me as so unique and fascinating that I was compelled to buy it.

I made the decision to buy the game without watching a ton of demos or reading up on internet reviews.

It was a no brainer. From the trailer, I could already tell that Returnal was similar to many other games. It was about a strong, smart, and capable protagonist who had to conquer the odds. That is not what compelled me to make the purchase.

The main character Selene is a woman. That in itself is an anomaly. But what makes her even more of an oddity is her age. Selene is a middle-aged woman.

Female videogame characters are typically youthful and sexy. The few who are not young are elderly women revered for their wisdom or hated for their villainy.

So a middle-aged female lead captured my attention so strongly that I just had to buy it.

I could finally see someone like myself in a game. You see, I am a 50-year-old woman who has recently found out that (surprise!) middle age is not exactly what I thought it would be.

At 50, I do not feel young. I do not feel old either. My body is not as fast as it was in my youth, even though I am in good shape.

In fact, I feel like I am at my best ever. But there is a certain invisibility that middle aged women can all identify with.

People can be rather awkward around a 50-year-old woman. Rarely do they start conversations. When they do talk to you, they ask about your children.

This adds another layer of awkwardness and invisibility for me as a childless woman.

With no children, they cannot imagine anything else to talk about.

When you find a woman in a game, she could be a companion or just there to add color to a party. She is not the star.

We can all remember how big of a shock it was for fans of Metroid to discover that the hero they had admired for so long was really a woman.

It was supposed to be a shocking plot twist. And it did shock many.

Today, gamers who want to play as women have many more opportunities than ever before. Some games even allow you to create the character you want to play.

But these female characters are almost invariably young.

To be honest, there are advantages to playing younger characters. Younger bodies are stronger and more agile. So it makes sense to have a main character in their 20s or 30s.

In Tomb Raider’s 2013 reboot, Lara Croft’s youth and experience are a huge part of what makes the story powerfully inspiring.

She was a fresh college graduate who found herself alone and injured after surviving a shipwreck.

Her inexperience meant that she had to challenge herself in ways she had never done before. She was discovering her own strength and we were there to watch her develop resilience. It was an awesome journey.

As a 50-year-old gamer, I cannot help but imagine what Lara Croft would be like two or three decades older. What challenges would she face? How would she tackle them? What allies and enemies would she have acquired along the way?

We have no way of knowing. Because the creators are not particularly interested in Lara Croft post 30.

At this point, you are probably wondering just how many gamers are wondering about the same thing I am wondering about.

I looked up the numbers, and female gamers my age are almost as many as male gamers. There is only a 2% difference in the numbers.

My point is that if we can have such a variety of middle-aged male characters, then women my age deserve representation, too.

I would love to see more female gaming characters who are my age saving the world, solving mysteries, and slaying the occasional dragon.

Speaking of dragons, I can remember when the dragons in video games looked more like ducks than dragons.

Not too long ago, Ubisoft argued that they could not increase the playable female assassins in Assassins Creed because they were difficult to animate.

We have made some progress since then, thankfully. But we still have a long way to go.

I love that Selene features on the cover and stars in the game. I feel validated by her presence.

Selene represents the best aspects of being middle aged. Young people are more ambitious but also vulnerable to people-pleasing.

Selene comes armed with life experience the way only a middle-aged woman can be.

She is sure of herself and understands who she is and what she stands for. She is guided by her own internal compass and not other people’s opinions.

She has the confidence to steal a spaceship and go on a mysterious quest.

She is decisive and confident in her ability to handle whatever comes her way. She goes after what she wants without apology. I would love to see more characters like Selene.


Navigating the Crossroads of Technology and Education: A Delicate Balance




The interplay between technology and education has always been a topic of keen interest and intense debate among educators, policymakers, and parents alike. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent shift towards remote learning have magnified this issue, bringing to the forefront the critical need to evaluate the role of technology in our educational systems. Drawing insights from a recent editorial by The Seattle Times, this article delves into the complexities of integrating technology into education, examining both its promises and pitfalls.

The pandemic-era transition to remote learning highlighted a stark reality: the necessity of human connection in the educational process. According to a New York Times investigation, learning through a computer screen during the pandemic had as detrimental an impact on student achievement as growing up in poverty. This finding underscores the critical importance of reevaluating our approach to technology in education, not as a wholesale replacement for traditional learning environments but as a complement to them.

However, the issue extends beyond the realm of remote learning. The ubiquitous presence of smartphones in classrooms, even post-pandemic, poses a significant challenge to maintaining focus and fostering meaningful human connections among students. Attempts by Seattle Public Schools to address this challenge by filing a lawsuit against social media companies, though well-intentioned, might not be the most direct or effective approach. Instead, smaller districts like Reardan-Edwall in Eastern Washington have seen success with more straightforward policies, such as banning cellphones for younger students during school hours. This policy has led to a decrease in bullying and a resurgence of human conversations within the school environment, according to Eric Sobotta, superintendent of Reardan-Edwall schools.

The conversation around technology in education is not new. Prior to the pandemic, concerns were already being raised about the efficacy of online learning programs, especially those designed for credit recovery in high schools. The London School of Economics has found that even the mere presence of a phone in class can impair student achievement, particularly among those already facing academic challenges.

In response to these challenges, some states, including California, Tennessee, and Florida, are taking proactive steps to address the impact of technology on education at the state level. These measures range from restricting cellphone use in schools to integrating artificial intelligence in classrooms as a tool to enhance, rather than replace, human inquiry. Washington State’s Superintendent Chris Reykdal’s recent guidance on the use of artificial intelligence in education reflects a growing recognition of the need to thoughtfully integrate technology into the learning process.

The key to navigating the complex relationship between technology and education lies in finding a delicate balance. It is not about eschewing technology altogether but about harnessing its potential to enhance educational outcomes while mitigating its distractions and potential harms. As we move forward, it is crucial for educators, policymakers, and parents to engage in a forward-looking and robust dialogue about the role of technology in education. By doing so, we can ensure that technology serves as a bridge rather than a barrier to human connection and learning.

In sum, the future of education in a technology-saturated world is not just on the horizon; it is already here. The challenge lies in how we choose to navigate this new landscape, making informed decisions that prioritize the well-being and educational success of our students. By fostering an environment where technology enhances rather than detracts from the learning experience, we can prepare our students for a future where they are not just competent users of technology but also critical thinkers and lifelong learners.

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The Dawn of AI-Integrated Computing: Microsoft’s New Copilot Key Revolutionizes PC Interaction




In a groundbreaking move, Microsoft is set to transform personal computing by introducing an AI-specific key on keyboards, marking a significant leap in the integration of artificial intelligence in everyday technology. This development, starting with new computers running Windows 11, heralds a new era where generative AI technology becomes more accessible and intertwined with our daily digital interactions.

The Emergence of the Copilot Key

The new feature, known as the “Copilot key,” is designed to launch Microsoft’s AI chatbot, a direct product of its collaboration with OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT. This initiative is not just a technological advancement but a strategic move by Microsoft to leverage its partnership with OpenAI, transforming its software into a gateway for generative AI applications (Voice of America).

Shifting Trends in AI Accessibility

While most people currently access the internet and AI applications via smartphones, this innovation by Microsoft is expected to ignite a competitive streak in the technology sector, especially in AI. However, the integration of AI into such common devices raises several ethical and legal questions. Notably, The New York Times recently initiated legal action against both OpenAI and Microsoft, citing concerns over copyright infringement by AI tools like ChatGPT and Copilot (The New York Times).

A Historical Perspective on Keyboard Design

The introduction of the AI key is Microsoft’s most significant alteration to PC keyboards since the debut of the special Windows key in the 1990s. The AI key, adorned with the Copilot logo, will be conveniently located near the space bar, replacing either the right “CTRL” key or a menu key on various computer models.

The Broader Context of Special Keys

Microsoft’s initiative follows a historical trend of special keys on keyboards. Apple pioneered this concept in the 1980s with its “Command” key, and Google introduced a search button on its Chromebooks. Google even experimented with an AI-specific key on its now-discontinued Pixelbook. However, Microsoft’s dominant position in the personal computer market, with agreements with major manufacturers like Lenovo, Dell, and HP, gives it a significant advantage. Approximately 82% of all desktop computers, laptops, and workstations run Windows, compared to 9% for Apple’s operating system and just over 6% for Google’s (IDC).

Industry Adoption and Future Prospects

Dell Technologies has already announced the inclusion of the Copilot key in its latest XPS laptops, and other manufacturers are expected to follow suit. Microsoft’s own Surface devices will also feature this key, with several companies anticipated to showcase their new models at the CES show in Las Vegas.


The introduction of the Copilot key by Microsoft is more than just a hardware innovation; it represents a paradigm shift in how we interact with our computers. By embedding AI directly into the keyboard, Microsoft is not only enhancing user experience but also paving the way for more advanced and intuitive computing. As we embrace this new era of AI-integrated computing, it is crucial to address the ethical and legal implications to ensure that this technological evolution benefits all users responsibly.

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The Future of AI and Quantum Computing: A Realistic Perspective




In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing, the opinions of industry leaders can significantly influence the direction of technological advancements. Yann LeCun, Meta’s chief AI scientist, recently offered a grounded perspective on these technologies, providing a contrast to the often hyperbolic narratives surrounding AI’s future capabilities and the potential of quantum computing.

AI’s Journey to Sentience: A Long Road Ahead

LeCun, a pioneer in deep learning, expressed skepticism about the imminent arrival of artificial general intelligence (AGI) – AI with human-level intelligence. Speaking at the Viva Tech conference in Paris, he highlighted the limitations of current AI systems, which, despite their ability to process vast amounts of text, lack the common sense necessary for true sentience. This view contrasts with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang’s assertion that AI will rival human intelligence in less than five years, as reported by CNBC. LeCun’s stance reflects a more cautious and realistic assessment of AI’s current trajectory.

The Hype Around AGI and Quantum Computing

The pursuit of AGI has driven significant investment in AI research, particularly in language models and text data processing. However, LeCun points out that text is a “very poor source of information” for training AI systems to understand basic concepts about the world. He suggests that achieving even “cat-level” or “dog-level” AI is more likely in the near term than human-level AI. This perspective aligns with the broader consensus in the AI community that AGI remains a distant goal.

Multimodal AI: The Next Frontier

Meta’s research into multimodal AI systems, which combine text, audio, image, and video data, represents a significant step forward in AI development. These systems could potentially uncover hidden correlations between different types of data, leading to more advanced AI capabilities. For instance, Meta’s Project Aria augmented reality glasses, which blend digital graphics with the real world, demonstrate the potential of AI to enhance human experiences, such as teaching tennis techniques.

The Role of Hardware in AI’s Future

Nvidia’s graphics processing units (GPUs) have been instrumental in training large language models like Meta’s Llama AI software. As AI research progresses, the demand for more sophisticated hardware will likely increase. LeCun anticipates the emergence of new chips specifically designed for deep learning, moving beyond traditional GPUs. This shift could open up new possibilities in AI hardware development, potentially leading to more efficient and powerful AI systems.

Quantum Computing: Fascinating but Uncertain

LeCun also expressed doubts about the practical relevance of quantum computing, a field that has seen significant investment from tech giants like Microsoft, IBM, and Google. While quantum computing holds promise for certain applications, such as drug discovery, LeCun believes that many problems can be more efficiently solved with classical computers. This skepticism is shared by Meta senior fellow Mike Schroepfer, who views quantum technology as having a long time horizon before becoming practically useful.

A Balanced View on Technological Progress

LeCun’s views offer a balanced perspective on the future of AI and quantum computing, tempering the excitement with a realistic assessment of current capabilities and challenges. As the tech industry continues to explore these fields, it’s essential to maintain a critical eye on the practical implications and timelines of these technologies. The journey towards more advanced AI and the realization of quantum computing’s potential will likely be a long and complex one, requiring sustained effort and innovation.

In conclusion, while the future of AI and quantum computing is undoubtedly exciting, it’s important to approach these fields with a realistic understanding of their current state and potential. As LeCun’s insights suggest, the path to AGI and practical quantum computing is longer and more nuanced than some of the more optimistic predictions imply. The tech industry must continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible while remaining grounded in the realities of technological development.

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