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Microsoft to Synchronize Edge release Schedule to Google’s Chrome



Microsoft is going to change its release time table for Edge to Chrome’s four-week interval between releases that Google announced recently.

Google announced that it would start following a four-week pace just recently and Microsoft had no choice but to follow suit.

“As contributors to the Chromium project, we look forward to the new 4-week major release cycle cadence that Google announced, to help deliver that innovation to our customers even faster,” Edge announced on their company blog on March 12th.

Just a week earlier, Google had announced its intention to release Chrome at a faster pace to keep up with Mozilla’s Firefox which was following a four-week release schedule instead of a four-week schedule.

Chrome 94 is coming out on September 21st. Chrome 95 will launch on October 19th. Microsoft will follow the same cycle. Microsoft announced that the new release cycle will begin with the Edge 94.

It has been customary for Microsoft to come out with a corresponding Edge every two days after a Chrome upgrade.

Google’s updates come out on Tuesdays, and this means that Microsoft’s comes out each Thursday. Edge 94 will therefore come out on 23rd and Edge 95 on October 21st.

Microsoft Edge is an open-source venture that builds and maintains Chrome’s core technologies. From January 2020, Edge has timed its releases to coincide with Chrome’s. It is a better alternative to delaying the release of Edge.

Chrome runs on multiple browsers, but Google has more control over it than Opera, Brave, Edge, or any of the other browsers. Google created Chromium and Google Engineers do most of the work. It is not yet clear what role Microsoft played in accelerating the release of Chrome.

If things go as Google has planned, Microsoft will offer a different version of Edge for commercial users that will last longer in between upgrades.

This release will come out at eight-week intervals instead of four weeks. Security upgrades every two weeks will provide service.

Only those organizations that have the capacity to manage their own machines will access the Extended Stable.

But even Chrome and Edge’s new eight-week release time table seems brief when compared with Firefox’ Extended Support Release that lasts at least a year with only security updates in between.

Microsoft observed yet another milestone on March 9th when it stopped supporting the original Microsoft Edge browser.

The legacy Microsoft Edge was launched with Windows 10 in 2015 but it did not gain traction. Microsoft preferred to dump its own technology for Chromium’s instead of wasting their hard work. The first new Edge for Chromium came out a year and two months ago.

Now that there is no more support for Microsoft Edge, users will run the software at their own risk, without Microsoft to fix hitches. Microsoft is preparing users to take up Edge on Chromium instead of moving to Firefox or Chrome.

This is why the Windows 10 update coming up next month will automatically remove the original Edge and install a new version.


New Breakthrough in Mathematical Psychology Helps Computers Understand Human Emotions




In a groundbreaking advancement, researchers at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, have developed a model that enables computers to interpret and understand human emotions using principles of mathematical psychology. This innovative approach promises to revolutionize the way machines interact with humans, enhancing user experience across various applications.

The model, detailed in a recent publication, leverages complex mathematical algorithms to decode emotional cues from human interactions. By analyzing patterns in speech, text, and physiological responses, the system can identify and respond to a range of emotions, from happiness and excitement to sadness and frustration. This breakthrough addresses a long-standing challenge in the field of human-computer interaction: the ability of machines to understand and appropriately respond to the nuanced emotional states of users.

Dr. Mikko Koskinen, one of the lead researchers, explained that the model is rooted in psychological theories that describe how humans process emotions. “By applying mathematical frameworks to these psychological theories, we’ve created a system that can more accurately interpret emotional signals,” Koskinen said. The team utilized data from extensive psychological studies and collaborated with experts in both psychology and computer science to refine their approach.

The implications of this research are vast. For instance, in the healthcare sector, emotionally intelligent machines could provide better support to patients with mental health issues. An emotionally aware virtual assistant could recognize signs of distress or anxiety and offer appropriate interventions or notify healthcare professionals, thereby improving patient outcomes.

Moreover, the technology could enhance customer service experiences. Businesses could deploy emotionally perceptive chatbots that adapt their responses based on the customer’s emotional state, leading to more satisfying interactions and higher levels of customer satisfaction. This would be particularly beneficial in high-stress situations, such as technical support or financial services, where understanding a customer’s emotional state can significantly impact the resolution process.

The development of emotionally intelligent machines also raises important ethical and privacy considerations. Ensuring that such systems respect user privacy and operate transparently is crucial. Organizations like the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) emphasize the need for robust data protection measures to safeguard the sensitive information these systems may handle.

Additionally, the integration of this technology into everyday devices will require collaboration between industry stakeholders and regulatory bodies. Entities such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) play a pivotal role in setting the standards that ensure the safe and effective deployment of new technologies.

As this technology advances, it is essential to maintain a dialogue about its implications. Researchers, industry leaders, and policymakers must work together to navigate the complexities of implementing emotionally intelligent systems in a way that benefits society while mitigating potential risks.

In conclusion, the University of Jyväskylä’s innovative model marks a significant step forward in the field of human-computer interaction. By bridging the gap between psychological theory and mathematical modeling, this research opens up new possibilities for creating machines that truly understand and respond to human emotions, paving the way for more empathetic and effective technological solutions.

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Navigating the Crossroads of Technology and Education: A Delicate Balance




The interplay between technology and education has always been a topic of keen interest and intense debate among educators, policymakers, and parents alike. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent shift towards remote learning have magnified this issue, bringing to the forefront the critical need to evaluate the role of technology in our educational systems. Drawing insights from a recent editorial by The Seattle Times, this article delves into the complexities of integrating technology into education, examining both its promises and pitfalls.

The pandemic-era transition to remote learning highlighted a stark reality: the necessity of human connection in the educational process. According to a New York Times investigation, learning through a computer screen during the pandemic had as detrimental an impact on student achievement as growing up in poverty. This finding underscores the critical importance of reevaluating our approach to technology in education, not as a wholesale replacement for traditional learning environments but as a complement to them.

However, the issue extends beyond the realm of remote learning. The ubiquitous presence of smartphones in classrooms, even post-pandemic, poses a significant challenge to maintaining focus and fostering meaningful human connections among students. Attempts by Seattle Public Schools to address this challenge by filing a lawsuit against social media companies, though well-intentioned, might not be the most direct or effective approach. Instead, smaller districts like Reardan-Edwall in Eastern Washington have seen success with more straightforward policies, such as banning cellphones for younger students during school hours. This policy has led to a decrease in bullying and a resurgence of human conversations within the school environment, according to Eric Sobotta, superintendent of Reardan-Edwall schools.

The conversation around technology in education is not new. Prior to the pandemic, concerns were already being raised about the efficacy of online learning programs, especially those designed for credit recovery in high schools. The London School of Economics has found that even the mere presence of a phone in class can impair student achievement, particularly among those already facing academic challenges.

In response to these challenges, some states, including California, Tennessee, and Florida, are taking proactive steps to address the impact of technology on education at the state level. These measures range from restricting cellphone use in schools to integrating artificial intelligence in classrooms as a tool to enhance, rather than replace, human inquiry. Washington State’s Superintendent Chris Reykdal’s recent guidance on the use of artificial intelligence in education reflects a growing recognition of the need to thoughtfully integrate technology into the learning process.

The key to navigating the complex relationship between technology and education lies in finding a delicate balance. It is not about eschewing technology altogether but about harnessing its potential to enhance educational outcomes while mitigating its distractions and potential harms. As we move forward, it is crucial for educators, policymakers, and parents to engage in a forward-looking and robust dialogue about the role of technology in education. By doing so, we can ensure that technology serves as a bridge rather than a barrier to human connection and learning.

In sum, the future of education in a technology-saturated world is not just on the horizon; it is already here. The challenge lies in how we choose to navigate this new landscape, making informed decisions that prioritize the well-being and educational success of our students. By fostering an environment where technology enhances rather than detracts from the learning experience, we can prepare our students for a future where they are not just competent users of technology but also critical thinkers and lifelong learners.

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The Dawn of AI-Integrated Computing: Microsoft’s New Copilot Key Revolutionizes PC Interaction




In a groundbreaking move, Microsoft is set to transform personal computing by introducing an AI-specific key on keyboards, marking a significant leap in the integration of artificial intelligence in everyday technology. This development, starting with new computers running Windows 11, heralds a new era where generative AI technology becomes more accessible and intertwined with our daily digital interactions.

The Emergence of the Copilot Key

The new feature, known as the “Copilot key,” is designed to launch Microsoft’s AI chatbot, a direct product of its collaboration with OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT. This initiative is not just a technological advancement but a strategic move by Microsoft to leverage its partnership with OpenAI, transforming its software into a gateway for generative AI applications (Voice of America).

Shifting Trends in AI Accessibility

While most people currently access the internet and AI applications via smartphones, this innovation by Microsoft is expected to ignite a competitive streak in the technology sector, especially in AI. However, the integration of AI into such common devices raises several ethical and legal questions. Notably, The New York Times recently initiated legal action against both OpenAI and Microsoft, citing concerns over copyright infringement by AI tools like ChatGPT and Copilot (The New York Times).

A Historical Perspective on Keyboard Design

The introduction of the AI key is Microsoft’s most significant alteration to PC keyboards since the debut of the special Windows key in the 1990s. The AI key, adorned with the Copilot logo, will be conveniently located near the space bar, replacing either the right “CTRL” key or a menu key on various computer models.

The Broader Context of Special Keys

Microsoft’s initiative follows a historical trend of special keys on keyboards. Apple pioneered this concept in the 1980s with its “Command” key, and Google introduced a search button on its Chromebooks. Google even experimented with an AI-specific key on its now-discontinued Pixelbook. However, Microsoft’s dominant position in the personal computer market, with agreements with major manufacturers like Lenovo, Dell, and HP, gives it a significant advantage. Approximately 82% of all desktop computers, laptops, and workstations run Windows, compared to 9% for Apple’s operating system and just over 6% for Google’s (IDC).

Industry Adoption and Future Prospects

Dell Technologies has already announced the inclusion of the Copilot key in its latest XPS laptops, and other manufacturers are expected to follow suit. Microsoft’s own Surface devices will also feature this key, with several companies anticipated to showcase their new models at the CES show in Las Vegas.


The introduction of the Copilot key by Microsoft is more than just a hardware innovation; it represents a paradigm shift in how we interact with our computers. By embedding AI directly into the keyboard, Microsoft is not only enhancing user experience but also paving the way for more advanced and intuitive computing. As we embrace this new era of AI-integrated computing, it is crucial to address the ethical and legal implications to ensure that this technological evolution benefits all users responsibly.

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